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# of Strings by SNBlackRose 13 years ago

when it says you need a certain number of strings, is that the nuber of separate strings you need, or is it, when you tie them to start, that is the number you should have? Plz help

RE: # of Strings by go_blue16 13 years ago

I don't get what you're saying. The number of separate strings you cut out DOESN'T change after you tie the starting knot.

Let's say a pattern I want to do calls for 3 white strings and 3 blue strings, and you want the length to be 60 inches each. You measure them, and cut them out.

There are a few different ways to start, but the most basic and easiest one of all is to simply tie a normal knot that holds all 6 strings together. You arrange your strings in the desire order, then start knotting the individual strings.

It's that simple!


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