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Plz comment... I need help! by Hawkeye 13 years ago

Ok. I really want to sell bracelets at my middle school, but I dont know how to, you know, announce it. How do I start? Please help?!

RE: Plz comment... I need help! by Dandan123 13 years ago

I did that last year(: one kid asked me then he told other people and it just grew and grew so I guess u could tell one person and they could pass it on(: hope that helped alittle

RE: Plz comment... I need help! by WeZZa 13 years ago

mmmmm u can wear ur best work so any one would notice n like will ask u ... then u can tell them tht u're selling :D

RE: Plz comment... I need help! by collies11 13 years ago

im doing the same thing but im goin to start after the holidays cause of a craft fair comming up. anyway make some awsome,like 20-10 string braclets and you wear some and give one to like 2 friends that have lots of friends.Then since you cant miss 15-20 strings people will ask about how you make them and just repliy somthing like "its complicated" somthin simple and true so nobody else decides to sell them. but if they ask you to make them one just say somthing like" im selling them for .... each if you want one i can make you one? just dont say it like if you want one you have gto pay ...... its too forceful simply suggest it, but not weakly. and the two you gave out to your friends, people will ask about them and they will probably tell them they got them from you. then theyll come to you. Remember do not just go around sayin " do you like these???....$$$. DO NOT BE FORCEFUL. let them bring up the subject. remember eye catching patterns that are big. sorry if i repeated stuff but its important. Hope i helped and please private message me about how it worked out.!!!

RE: Plz comment... I need help! by Deutschland 13 years ago

Ive started to sell friendship bracelets only about a week ago. First ive sold one to a friend from my class. She started to tell everyone that i can make fb and now i have only one more problem: i must make in this weekend 14 friendship bracelets.

RE: Plz comment... I need help! by fbmagic 13 years ago

advice to Deutschland- Well if you are capable of doing that many in one weekend then you will have to work hard. But if you are not capable of doing that tell the person that you probably can't do that much in one weekend and that you will need more time or suggest how much you can make in one weekend. :( I could probably on make 1-3 in a weekend. If you can make that many you are amazing! lol. :)

RE: Plz comment... I need help! by Hawkeye 13 years ago

thanks for all of your comments

they really helped


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