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Friendship-Bracelets chat open for probationary testing! by Lovemenot 13 years ago

A few members requested a chat room for the website. My boyfriend and I took it upon ourselves to create one off site for testing purposes. It is now ready for open testing. Now, listen good. This chat room is testing only, this means it can go away at ANY time! This is by no means permanent!
Please remember basic internet rules; as in; NO PERSONAL INFORMATION!!! Do not give out your phone number, address, full name, etc, etc. I don't care how much you "trust" the other person!
Keep it civil. No fighting, no profanity, no racist remarks etc! I will ban you permanently if I see any of this, and I WILL see it!!
Please, keep it to English only!

And now for the link!!


RE: Friendship-Bracelets chat open for probationary testing! by Maggie98 13 years ago

I visited your chat, it's great, but I was the only one on your chat. There wasn't anyone to talk to.

Dear People, visit it!;)

RE: Friendship-Bracelets chat open for probationary testing! by ruserious 13 years ago

i visited too, but there wasnt anybody.

please visit pppl!

RE: Friendship-Bracelets chat open for probationary testing! by Lovemenot 13 years ago

There is hardly any "publicity" for it, therefore the room is bare. Without proper advertisement, there will not be anyone there. lol.


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