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Hey Question..? by Mina 13 years ago

Out of sheer and utter boredom, i was wondering if there are any other people in any sort of band. I'm in my school band, and this question just popped in my head.

RE: Hey Question..? by collies11 13 years ago

i play the trumpet... You??

RE: Hey Question..? by Mina 13 years ago

Ha, someone actually replied. Umm, my first instrument EVER was the flute. Then, I learned guitar, and am starting to learn piano and want to learn drums. But, I play the flute for band. =]

RE: Hey Question..? by collies11 13 years ago

lol, I can play the piano well (its challenging and fun), then the violin,flute, and now trumpt although i still play the piano. i needed to find the instrument that fit me for band and i think the trumpet is it! lol,btw how many periods do you have?????(different teachers or subjects) we have 7 but im interested in what other people have.

RE: Hey Question..? by Mina 13 years ago

Well, if you count zero period (when I have band and ASB on different days) I have 9. But, that is in the mornings before school. Other than that, the same-7.

RE: Hey Question..? by collies11 13 years ago


RE: Hey Question..? by TheUniqu3one 13 years ago

i play alto saxaphone, i know how to play tenor saxaphone and baritone saxophone, and i am mastering the flute... im in the school band and the 8th grade jazz band. i love the flute, but something is up with my saxaphone... one of the keys is leaking.

RE: Hey Question..? by TheUniqu3one 13 years ago

9 periods jazz band everyother day band every day

RE: Hey Question..? by collies11 13 years ago


RE: Hey Question..? by TheUniqu3one 13 years ago

thank you! you have NO IDEA how hard it is to play with a cast up to your elbow. yep. its challenging


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