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Is this a good idea..? by Mina 13 years ago

Hey everyone, I have a question: You all know about the Save The Children Federation, right..? Well, that's not the question. My question actually is: Do you think that making these bracelets, sellign them, and giving at least half the profits to Save The Children is a good idea..? **Please comment** Thanks!

RE: Is this a good idea..? by Carrie 13 years ago

Why would any charity work be a bad idea? :p

RE: Is this a good idea..? by Mina 13 years ago

I dunno, I just wanted to hear what people think. I'm just weird like that =]

RE: Is this a good idea..? by Mina 13 years ago

Oh, and what kinds of bracelets would sell quickly? If there are people with experience, their responses would be greatly appreciated.
**Numbers of patterns stuff like that**

RE: Is this a good idea..? by Jazzy 13 years ago

I reckon doing just basic patterns would be best. they're quick and easy so you could have loads in no time! =] you could maybe do some 'exclusive' ones that are more complicated maybe, and have them like one offs??

i dunno... but thats how I'd probably do it =] hope it helps

RE: Is this a good idea..? by Mina 13 years ago

What do you mean by one offs..?


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