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RE: HHHHEEEEEYY!! IM BACK!! by kallum 13 years ago

Agreed, joy! BTW, I think I beat you, too! No offense meant...... I always wondered if I would ever meat the person with all the patterns! Nice to meet you, and welcome back. About gribaude, that user has 524 patterns as of today, which is DEFINITELY a record.

RE: HHHHEEEEEYY!! IM BACK!! by craftaddict 13 years ago

A lot of gribaude's patterns just look like randomness to me, so those are fairly easy to come up with! But I've never understood what makes modern art, art, so I'm not the best judge maybe! :)

RE: HHHHEEEEEYY!! IM BACK!! by Joy 13 years ago

yeah his ,i agree, r just randomness, not trying to b rude. i think they r still cool. thanks to everyone who has welcomed me back.


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