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Help with Generator, please :) by SeaShel 13 years ago

I can't figure out how to use the either of the Generators! I get the concept of changing colors, rows, and such but how do you know what kind of knot to use to get the pattern/picture you want? I want to make a normal pattern of a pink bird but I don't understand how you figure out what starting order the colors should be or which knots to use to direct the strands so the end up looking like a picture, not just a zig zag or line design. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm soooooo frustrated.

RE: Help with Generator, please :) by Lovemenot 13 years ago

As far as I can tell, it is a lot of practicing, and trial and error in the beginning. I personally find that generator 2.0 is a lot easier to use.

I wish you tons of luck, and hope someone comes along who can give you a bit more direction.

RE: Help with Generator, please :) by SeaShel 13 years ago

Thank you. I agree it's a lot of trial and error and error and error... :)

RE: Help with Generator, please :) by Lovemenot 13 years ago

It definitely is, lol. I myself and going through a lot of trial and errors, and errors, and errors. :P
Every now and then I'll end up with something nifty, but I am still unable to go in there with a plan and make it happen. If we just keep practicing, eventually we will master it.

If you don't want to wait however, you can make a request for the pattern, in the wish patterns section and someone will most likely be able to make it for you. :)

And also, I just did a quick search for 'bird' and I came up with 35 normal patterns. There may be one you like there, just change the colors to the ones you want.


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