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keychains? by CheerGirl9 13 years ago

How do you make a keychain instead of a bracelet?

RE: keychains? by heidipandie2 13 years ago

It is especially easy if the pattern is an even number of strings and colors. EX: 4 red strings, and 6 black strings. That way you can just tie a lark's head knot from Stefan's macrame site: https://www.friendship-bracelets.net/macrame onto the keyring (You can see how to do the knot by going to the basic knots tab on the homepage.) before beginning your pattern. Hope this helped. If it was confusing, just pm me for better detail.

RE: keychains? by heidipandie2 13 years ago

I forgot to mention, if there is an odd number of strings, you will just have to tie normal knots. You can also do a chinese staircase in a couple groups at the beginning too.

RE: keychains? by CheerGirl9 13 years ago

okay thank you!

RE: keychains? by heidipandie2 13 years ago

Sure!! :D


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