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Knot art by Lusl 13 years ago

I would like to ask you if you know about some web page where I could learn to make some animals or objects using the knots like in friendship bracelets? It's almost like macrame but it's not the same... Thanks a lot!

RE: Knot art by Lusl 13 years ago

It looks like this:


RE: Knot art by JPIZZ 13 years ago

I found a picture of a knotted owl, and made one based on what the picture looked like. I'll try to make some instructions if I can.

RE: Knot art by Lusl 13 years ago

I would be very grateful...

RE: Knot art by JPIZZ 13 years ago

I made a tutorial called "Knotted Owl". I hope it helps! =]

RE: Knot art by Lusl 13 years ago

Thank you very much! It's perfect, you 've made it very good! :-)


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