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Where is the best chain store to buy string? by chrisdal16 13 years ago

I keep running out of string colors like blue, black, and white, and AC Moore sometimes doesnt even have any string....is there a better store to buy it at that could be found easily??

RE: Where is the best chain store to buy string? by Lovemenot 13 years ago

I have never heard of AC Moore.
but the best places I have found to get string are Michaels, And Joanns Fabrics. Walmart may even have some if you can find one with a fabric dept. Though I havent seen a fabric dept in walmart for ages.
Best of luck!

RE: Where is the best chain store to buy string? by chrisdal16 13 years ago

ok! thanks so much...yea i guess ac moore is just a local thing

RE: Where is the best chain store to buy string? by friendship12396 13 years ago

Joann Fabrics sells their embroidery floss for 37 cents per 8 meters (8.7 yards.)


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