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Why can uploaded pics be only 50 kb? by PrincessRobin 10 years ago

I can't upload a pic of my design unless it's SUPER tiny when I'm seeing all kinds of other pics that have been uploaded that are 100 kb and up. What's the deal? I'm shrinking my pics down but by the time I've gotten them small enough to upload they're too tiny to see! So how are others able to upload bigger pics than me? Help? Advice?

RE: Why can uploaded pics be only 50 kb? by antiprism 10 years ago

With the graphics program I use (GIMP), it is possible to create smaller files by reducing the JPG quality. I first choose the image dimensions (hight and width in pixels), then reduce the JPG quality incrementally until the final file size is under 50kb.

As an example, the following image is 600x309 pixels, but the file size is less than 50kb, and the reduced quality is not immediately obvious

RE: Why can uploaded pics be only 50 kb? by antiprism 10 years ago

The forum has shrunk the image a little for display, but you get the idea. The full size image is here


RE: Why can uploaded pics be only 50 kb? by kleinevos (moderator) 10 years ago

There are also a lot of apps that can do the same thing, or you could try the flash-uploader. In the last case you can upload pictures that are a little more than 50kb.
I usually reduce my pictures with an app to VGA, sometimes HVGA, but the quality is still good enough.

RE: Why can uploaded pics be only 50 kb? by Coral_Cat17 10 years ago

I usually use the flash uploader, and I think most of the time my files are over 50kb.

RE: Why can uploaded pics be only 50 kb? by Goura 10 years ago

I use free online photo editor,i adapt the size of the pictures took with my phone.Usually they come out large enough,maybe is your camera that makes already tiny or bordered pictures.

RE: Why can uploaded pics be only 50 kb? by PrincessRobin 10 years ago

Thanks for the replies everyone but I don't think they'll help me. The only program I have to use is Microsoft paint, and the 50kb pics I end up with after shrinking are literally HALF the size of my pinkie fingernail. So I don't think I'll be uploading any of my pics. It's a shame too, since I really wanted to show some of them off! Oh well, I shall continue enjoying everyone else's pics. They inspire me to keep knotting!

RE: Why can uploaded pics be only 50 kb? by kleinevos (moderator) 10 years ago

There are websites you can use, like tinypic.com or imgur.com.

RE: Why can uploaded pics be only 50 kb? by LeFuzz 9 years ago

GIMP is free. Download it!


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