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Red vs. Blue by lefayof2day 12 years ago

Hello, I am a diehard Red vs. Blue fan (a web series machinima) and it would be beyond helpful if someone could design some patterns for me. I'm looking for the RoosterTeeth logo, the Red vs. Blue logo, the Blue team and Red team, and Tex. Here's a website for reference. You don't have to do all of them, but what little artistic skill I possess escapes me when it comes to graphic design. Also, I don't mind whether it's normal or alpha, whichever is easier for you.


RE: Red vs. Blue by lefayof2day 12 years ago

If someone could please take a look, or pm me that would be greatly appreciated.

RE: Red vs. Blue by adventure_time 12 years ago

I'll try making the red vs. blue logo, but could you put a link for the other ones? :]

RE: Red vs. Blue by lefayof2day 12 years ago

totally...I also just made some images that I can't manage to make into patterns because the text keeps squishing...I'll post those too...

Tex: http://images.wikia.com/rvb/images/3/35/Tex_Season_9_(1).png
Blue Team (flag): http://s3.roosterteeth.com/assets/store/product_1290644532.jpg
Red Team (flag): http://s3.roosterteeth.com/assets/store/product_1290644326.jpg
Grifball logo: http://www.plusxp.com/wp-content/uploads/grifball-logo.jpg and/or http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/261140_179155765474156_4794573_n.jpg
Blue team: http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/277/639/8d0.jpg
Red team: http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/277/638/42b.jpg

Some of these are going to have a REDICULOUS amount of colors...but I'm a psycho when it comes to RvB...i'll put the new pics in a second post...

RE: Red vs. Blue by lefayof2day 12 years ago

Here's the others...lemme know if you can't see them...

RE: Red vs. Blue by adventure_time 12 years ago

Ok I'll try them out :) does
it matter how big they are ?

RE: Red vs. Blue by Riviera 12 years ago

Hey, Adventure, which ones do you want to do, I could try some that you don't. :]

RE: Red vs. Blue by lefayof2day 12 years ago

Preferably as small as possible without skewing the pictures too much...thank you guys so much!!!

RE: Red vs. Blue by adventure_time 12 years ago

ha oh man.. i ALMOST done with the red vs. blue logo, and i mean right at the end, and i went to push the page down button and hit the backspace... and now i have to do it all over -_- oh well.. hm.. you can do the blue team flag and one of the grifball ones.. i want to try the tex on but i'll probably fail.. :] and for the blue and red ones did you just want to logo? because with the one i'm working on right know (red vs. blue logo) you can make seperate bracelets and just break up the one logo into seperate logos. :]

RE: Red vs. Blue by adventure_time 12 years ago

oh and the red vs. blue logo is about 23 or 24 strings is that ok?


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