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Animal Silhouette Patterns by Carrie 12 years ago

I really like doing the animal silhouette patterns, so I'll be taking requests and posting the ones I make as I go. I can do animals, certain types of dogs, little mosters, etc. Post suggestions here :)

RE: Animal Silhouette Patterns by giguana0412 12 years ago

What about an Okapi?

RE: Animal Silhouette Patterns by Carrie 12 years ago

@CreativeElement, cat:

@Koala_love, koala:

@twin2, hedgehog:

RE: Animal Silhouette Patterns by Carrie 12 years ago

I tried making an okapi, but whatever I tried didn't come out right :(

RE: Animal Silhouette Patterns by giguana0412 12 years ago

Well, thats okay. At least I have the other one! This is going to sound really strange, but what about a cuttlefish? My friend would die if I gave her a cuttlefish pin/keychain.

RE: Animal Silhouette Patterns by twin2 12 years ago

AAAHHH! It's so cute! Thank you so much Carrie! I LOVE it. Gotta make it sometime soon!

RE: Animal Silhouette Patterns by ameliao 12 years ago

what about a goat? :) i'm a capricorn.

RE: Animal Silhouette Patterns by ameliao 12 years ago

Nevermind :\ thought you meant normal patterns :P

RE: Animal Silhouette Patterns by Matina 12 years ago

Can u make a giraffe, I know they have one but I wanna c yours also maybe a terrier-shihtzu mix or seprete I don't care, thxs

RE: Animal Silhouette Patterns by Carrie 12 years ago

I didn't forget you guys, I'll be making more when my wrists hurt again :)


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