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(( Bracelets )) Small Wave

Table of contents
1 - Introduction
2 -
Materials and Set Up
3 -
Step by Step
   3.0 -
Step 1
   3.1 -
Step 1


Ok I thought I would just start off this tutorial by saying I kinda made this pattern up myself. It's based off the wave. I really like it!

Materials and Set Up

3+ colors, 6+ strings, 2 rows
1,2,3: any color
N: a color that won't be seen

When making the bracelet you are going to double up every color. So you will have 2 of each color doubled up. (Instead of just doing one string to make a knot, you do 2 at the same time.)

Step by Step

Step 1

Forward knots starting with the one closest to the N, Forward across the N pair. Do this with the 3,2,1
Should look like this when done: N,1,2,3

Step 1

Backward knots starting with the one closest to the N, Backward across N pair, Do this with 1,2,3
Should look like this when done: 1,2,3,N

This is what it looks like after a while of doing this:


The original author of this tutorial is mea333 but it was also edited by Foz and Alicat.

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