
was donated


Membership date

  • 7/18/10


hey im xokjbox and i love making friendship bracelets although sometimes i have i-cant-finish-a-bracelet-before-starting-another-one-to-save-my-life-syndrome (: i might have to stop making bracelets while school starts before everything calms down. Taylor Swift and Ari Stidham (from huge) are my favorite artists along with others(: i am a year round swimming and i live somewhere in the great US (: i like smiley faces A LOT if you hadnt noticed already(: i use them a lot especially when texting anyhow i feel that kinda sums me up....... oh yeah I LOVE ART<33

PS if anyone is interested im selling poptab bracelets in stretchy string and they're really popular in my school (: if you're interested just message meeee (: they wont be expensive probably like..... 2 dollars (: and I'm also selling string bracelets all you need to do is tell me the pattern and the price will be based off how many strings there are (:

feel free to to send me a message (:
xo xo kjb