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Membership date

  • 2/14/14


Hi, my name is Tony( smokedeuce is not about drugs, i used to be a big NASCAR fan. Tony Stewart fan, hence, smoke, his nickname, and deuce, he had the #20.).
My youngest daughter gave me a bracelet about two years ago. 12 strings, harley orange and black, bright green for Puerto Rico, and purple, because I'm a sucker for women who wear it ;)
So, about a year ago, I saw some guy making a really big bracelet( about 20 strings: I of course did not know anything about this hobby) that made me do a double take on mine and his. Bigger is better, right! So I thought I should make a big one for myself. And then I found this beautiful place:)
While saving hundreds of pages, I thought maybe I should instead, make the girls bracelets for Christmas. And I did. Their reactions were PRICELESS! I will never forget it.
But I have come to a conclusion about that big one I wanted... I can't make one for myself. I love the ones my daughter made for me. No, they are not big and bold to accent my blue collar arms and hands. They are from my daughter, who thought about me through every knot. I do have the biggest bracelets I could ever want :)
I hope mine do the same for them.
I am an amateur. Very slow. Cork board, push pins for every string (stop laughing, no it's ok I'm laughing too).
But I enjoy it. I don't like cutting the strings, making the buckle. But once I get into the pattern, I just smile with the anticipation of seeing the reactions. I love that:)