
was donated


Membership date

  • 8/15/12


Why hello there, beautiful. So I don't want to keep you from your crafting for too long, so i'm keeping it short...ish. So here are some things about moi:
-I listen to rock and abhor mainstream music so i'll never understand the love for Beiber/1D
-I am a complete pessimist/perfectionist



-3 Days Grace

-Breaking Benjamin

-Evans Blue

-The Veer Union

-Icon for Hire

-Nine Lashes

-Ashes Remain

-Thousand Foot Krutch


-Linkin Park

-Decyfer Down






-Rock Music d^.^b

-Playing Guitar

-Graphic Design


"When the rich wage war it's the poor who die"

"Next time someone tells you nothing is impossible,tell them to dribble a football,slam a revolving door or nail jello to a tree"