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Membership date

  • 6/3/12


Hi, I'm Rachel. Im 16 years old and from Canada. :D

I started making bracelets about 8 months ago for a couple of friends (so I'm no expert yet that's for sure) but I've come to really enjoy it. Surprisingly, most of the bracelets I've done aren't absolute catastrophes like I thought they would be.

I'm obsessed with almost every reality tv show there is out there (Big Brother, The Bachelor(ette), The Amazing Race, XFactor, Jersey Shore, etc) and also love The Walking Dead and Pretty Little Liars. I love Paramore to death, and hopefully my bracelet-making skills will grow enough so that I can design a Paramore bracelet. So if any of you reading this (if there is anyone reading this) also have obsessions over these things, please feel free to message me and we will talk forever about them!!!

Well, that's basically all there is to know about me. Ta-ta for now! <- I love saying that.