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Membership date

  • 5/17/12


hey,i m roupamparmar . 1 year ago started making bracelets for my school projets. And then my friend told me about this cool website.

if you can answer my questions then you were born to be cool:

1. Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but.
check when you say the paint is wet?

2. Why is it that people say they ?slept like a baby? when babies wake up every
two hours?

3. Why doesn?t Tarzan have a beard?

4. Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours? They?re both
dogs !

5. If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, then what is baby oil made from?

P.M (personal message) me if u can answer these or u have somethin to say about them.
If u answere them i will put your name on my profile.