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Membership date

  • 1/28/10


As you can tell from my user name, I love rats. Rats are wonderful pets. They are domesticated rats so they do not bight or carry diseases, they are completely safe. Rats are like small dogs, they are very social and intelegent animals. I had a rat named Georgia (Georgie) who was born without her back foot. We mated her with our other rat and we expected 5 or six rats. She ended up having 12! We found homes for 4 so far. Her babies are about 8 months old. Pictures of them are here www.savannahgeorgies.webs.com if you want to see them. Unfornatly, Georgie passed away at 1 and a half years. She was attacks by one of my family's cat at 3 am in the morning. I miss her so much. I will always love and miss her. :(
I started making bracelets about a year ago and I want to learn how to make more complex bracelets. I have completed 5 or 6 bracelets, all chevron style. I love making patterns. Please take a look at my patterns.
I have a couple main websites, so if you want to contact me or join the sites here are the addresses:
*www.clubchihuahuas.com- moved to wix.com/clubchihuahuas/play *site is still in construction
