
was donated


Membership date

  • 7/10/11


Hello, how are you? =) / Hello, hogy vagy?
This name of mine. I love it. / Ez a nevem. Szeretem.
OPTIMISTIC. ETERNAL CHILD. / Optimista. Orok gyerek.
Smiling. / Mosolygos.
I am extroverted in full drawn ones. =) / Teljes mertekben extrovertalt vagyok.
I would not exchange my life for nobody's life. I ADORE.. / Nem cserelnem el az eletem senkiere. Imadom.
my favourite orchestra/ kedvenc zenekarok: Kenny Wayne Sheperd band, Subscribe (hungarian metal), Romeo Verzik (hungarian rock band), Slipknot, GunsNRoses, System of a Down, Kispal es a Borz (hungarian alternative music), Rammstein, Stone Sour, Blind Myself (hungarian metal band), Guano Apes, Tankcsapda (hungarian rock), ect...
I like drinking beer and to have fun with my friends. / Szeretem a sort, ?s a barataimmal logni.
Nature, biology. Hunting, animals. Healthy environmentalism. / Termeszet, biologia. Vadaszat, allatok. Egeszseges termeszetvedelem.
If dog, then retriever. / Ha kutya, akkor vizsla.
Fresh air, sunlight, sleeping in grass. / Friss levego, napfeny, f?ben alvas.
Balaton. Lake coast. / Balaton, topart <3
There is not a more beautiful flower at the tulip. / A tulipannal nincs szebb virag.

"Drive away and try to keep smiling. Get a little rock and roll on the radio and go toward all the life there is with all the courage you can find and all the belief you can muster. Be true, be brave, stand." / "El innen, es probalj mosolyogni. Kapcsolj be egy kis rock and rollt a radion, es minden batorsagoddal es hiteddel menj az elet fele. Legy igaz, legy bator, es allj ki az igazadert!" Stephen King

I will never be vegetarian. I adore the meat, mainly the beasts'. / Sosem leszek vegetarianus. Imadom a hust, foleg a vadhust.

"We are on the Earth here not shame if we let everything leak... the land swallows it only if blood, if dew, it doesn't matter for him..." / "Itt a baj a foldon vagyunk, Itt nem szegyen ha mindent hagyunk folyni a Fold csak nyeli ha ver, ha harmat mindegy neki" Lovasi Andras (Kispal es a Borz - hungarian alternative music)

I adore Hungary. Beautiful place. / Imadom Magyarorszagot. Gyonyoru hely.

I have a blog where I present the bracelets: www.csomokbolcsodat.blogspot.com
Be searching here: http://www.facebook.com/CsomokbolCsodat
Photos: https://picasaweb.google.com/103362911606110443208/Csomozvanyok
I like the wide, coloured samples. The Celtic formation my favourite. An apology for the grammatical mistakes! the English language is difficult for me =)

e-mail: angelika0221@hotmail.com
blog: csomokbolcsodat.blogspot.com
fabebook: https://www.facebook.com/CsomokbolCsodat/