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Membership date

  • 8/28/10


Hello there my fellow knotters!

Well, I first was introduced to friendship bracelet creating a couple of years ago, when I received one of those gift sets which include some thread, beads, and a book on how do some patters. The book was pretty good, but I personally like to follow charts and/or visual instructions on how to complete a bracelet. Then, one day, when I was researching patterns through Google, BAM! I found this website and completely love it.

I always wish I would just have more TIME to do bracelets. Mainly, I do them during breaks from school, Friday afternoons, weekends, etc.

My lifelong wish is to receive a lifelong supply of embroidery thread in the mail for free. (That would be a LOT of thread, though. Hmm.)

I'm working on posting some photos, will try to do so soon! I love all regular patterns.

That's all for now. I'll see everyone around this great website!(: