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  • 8/9/10


Hello peoples! Welcome to my page! as you may have noticed i am in love with Harry Potter! I love to make friendship bracelets as gifts and sometimes I sell them for Cancer research.

I learned how to make bracelets in 2009. I had gotten a book - Girls book on How to be the Best at Everything - for Christmas and in said "How to Make a Friendship Bracelet." the type it showed me how to make was a Candy Stipe that twirled. How I did that was instead of doing 2 knots to make one complete forward knot, I only did one. They look really cool! I made those for a little bit and I got kinda bored of doing the same thing over and over and over so I experimented! I taught myself how to do a double chain knot and I didn't know what else to do, and when you can't think of anything: GO TO GOOGLE! So as you can imagine I googled it and after a few days of searching I went to this website and now I'm pretty good at it!

I love "Harry Potter." I have no clue why but I just do. I used to think is was for losers {no offence to people who like it} but one day I was looking on my family book shelf I saw it. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.So I read it and... I loved it! Then my dad told me we had the movies and I was hooked ever since! The other thing he told me about was "Lord Of The Rings" on a Saturday around noon, he asked my older brother if he wanted to watch Lord of the Rings with him. I asked my Dad what it was and he said "If you want to know you'll have to watch it." so I watched it and now I'm hooked on that too!

My best friends of all times are Haley Down and Cedar Davidson. I have known them for like, evah! my mom and their moms were friends so thats how we know each other! I LOVE U GUYS!

Thanks for visiting my page! I hope you like my fav. patterns, my own patterns and alphas, and my photos!


BTW ~ if u want 2 know how 2 make really easy but cool looking friendship bracelets let me know and i'll make a few tutorials! PEACE OUT PEEPS!