Here you can write what you think about the site, or what you think could be better. Or just say hi. Write anything you like, I like getting feedback!
Everanilson wrote 16 years ago | |
Nossa um dos melhores site que j? visitei muito bom exelente. Voc? poderia colocar ums padr?es de colar. Parabens muito bom.
nanna wrote 16 years ago | |
Can everyone see my real name if I sign up?
Margaret wrote 16 years ago | |
this site is so good but i have a question about knotting.. is it just like making a 4 then going under into the space on the 4 than for left knots it like a P ????
Gergonsnofferheimentooter wrote 16 years ago | |
Cool friendship designs, but make the instructions more clear
Martin wrote 16 years ago | |
ser bra ut detta:P