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white horse wrote 15 years ago

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ron wrote 15 years ago

i was thinking that you should put in how long each string should be for each pattern, that would be very helpful

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allie wrote 15 years ago

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heather wrote 15 years ago

this is awesome. A high school senior was doing the heart pattern in my physical therapy place and I just couldnt' figure it out. I have looked for books everywhere barnes and noble, library, michaels and nothing. I wasn't even sure what to look for until a nice lady at Micheals told me to look under friend ship bracelets. However that was fruitless. I actually found you under floss bracelet patterns. Thank you so much. I wanted to make one for my 12 yr old who is a sleep away camp and surprise her and send it off. Have a great day.,

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Steph-y wrote 15 years ago

I agree with Xmas. Can you please put how long the strings need to be? Or when someone posts a picture ofr them to put how long their strings were.

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