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karin wrote 13 years ago

when i tried to get an account it said " please write the text 1xphu in this field" so i did over and over agian and it said i did it wrong so now i cant have an account can u please help

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Rosie wrote 13 years ago

Typo Hey can anyone one help me out I am trying to generate a pattern for a four leaf clover using max TEN strings if anyone give a input/advice I would a appreciate it Thanks Rosie Typo from the first entry

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Rosie wrote 13 years ago

Hey can anyone one help me out I am trying to generate a pattern for a four leaf clover using max TEN strings if anyone give a input/advice I would a parasite it Thanks Rosie

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Alizandria wrote 13 years ago

Private message.

Sab_Attack wrote 13 years ago

Thanks superc! it's much-o appreciated! If anyone's curious, my site is: www.sabbi-g-bracelets.webs.com check it out! and stefan, question: when does the new version come out for us to use? =)

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