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RE: length of floss by QueenPinky 13 years ago

@Tiffany, I sometimes make rings. Also, some patterns only require one of a specific color which means folding over the longer strings wont work, because you will have 2 of that color. If I have a string long enough from left overs, I use it for those types of patterns.

RE: length of floss by flossfreak 13 years ago

Yes i realize that but i had a book that had an estimate.. They should at least say how many inches for every inch you have to do

RE: length of floss by Rissa 13 years ago

There are many things you can do with leftovers:
- use them to add to another bracelet if you measured to short
- make rings out of them
- make some alpha bracelet out of them where you don't use some long background thread, but for each row use one of your leftover strings. Once you're finished cut them about the same length. You can make a very colorful bracelet or bookmark this way.

RE: length of floss by Rachel_D 13 years ago

You can make key chains, rings, or just little things to put on a cork board.

RE: length of floss by a_g_gilbert2017 12 years ago

I just take another bracelet i hav already made and compare it with the string i have to make. i usually make alphas but i dont put the "base" color in my bracelet. i find it too difficult.

@Tiffany what i do is save them and then make a little decrative ball thing. its pretty cool. heres a link on how to do them: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbriKuYG3eo


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