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length of floss by flossfreak 13 years ago

It should say an estimate of how long you should cut the strings for a pattern. I made one bracelet and i didnt have enough string and i made another pawprint one and i cut it so long that i couldnt work with it so i gave up. it would be really helpful if you didnt have to guess

RE: length of floss by MyChihuahuaBITE 13 years ago

i definitly agree i have the same problem

RE: length of floss by Tiffany 13 years ago

I'm all in agreement about this!! :)

RE: length of floss by flossfreak 13 years ago

Hopefully someone who can change that sees this :)

RE: length of floss by lizabeth_joy86 13 years ago

It's pretty much a guess anyways...

RE: length of floss by rjkcurrie3 13 years ago

I usually use 120 cm for the average bracelet including the ends, so far there is not to much left over.

RE: length of floss by eternity26 13 years ago

I guess you just have to use logic for the string measurements. Usually, I do 60 to 80 inches and that has never failed me. YOU should try estimating the measurements. If not, there are always helpful people here that are willing to share their knowledge! :D

RE: length of floss by QueenPinky 13 years ago

I usually use my arm span and fold it in half. So, I grab the string with my right hand and pull it out with my left hand until my arms are completely stretched out to the sides. Then i fold it in half.

RE: length of floss by Rissa 13 years ago

It's just not possible to tell how long the strings have to be because of various things:

- Material: If you use very thick threads the knots are bigger, you need less knots and therefore less string than if you'd use thinner threads.
- Length of the finished bracelet: If you finish the bracelet after 10cm/4 Inch you'd of course need less thread than if you make it 15cm/6 Inch long, and if you make a key chain out of the pattern you'd need a lot less
- Start: Do you start your bracelet with two braids, a braided loop, a macramé loop, knot a key chain directly on the ring or something else? For each method a different amount of string is used.

Putting all of this together, how should it be possible to measure the length of thread used?

And just imagine a tool would be able to measure the amount of thread needed for one example material (let's say embroidery floss, 15cm bracelet, braided ends), how many people would not read the explanation going along with it and taking the number there as absolute?

Better learn to judge for yourself how much thread you'd need.

As an average I can say that I need less than 1m of string (embroidery floss, 15cm bracelet, braided ends) for most bracelets, in some few cases I have to add some more string though, and in some cases I have 20-30 cm left.

I'm just glad that there are some things you can do with these leftovers.

RE: length of floss by Tiffany 13 years ago

What can you do with the leftovers? :)


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