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I AM TOTALLY DOING THIS WRONG!!! by Kenna 13 years ago

uhm. hi! for Christmas I thought I could make friendship bracelets for all my friends! I have a lot of friends so I'm starting now! but I wanted them to all be unique. so I was looking at all these awesome patterns! I'm really good at the simple bracelets. the easy ones.. but I try to do the more complex ones.. and I cant!! there are holes in them.. even though I tighten them real tight!! and a little bit loose even though they're tightened! they aren't solid or
straight like the ones in the pictures!! so PLEASE HELP ME!!

RE: I AM TOTALLY DOING THIS WRONG!!! by Mockingjay 13 years ago

I had this same problem when I started doing these patterns. I just took it really slowly. I would probably only get one or two rows done in one sitting. If this doesn't help, just make simple ones in Christmas colors. At my school #1 is a huge hit. Hope this helps!

~Mockingjay })i({

RE: I AM TOTALLY DOING THIS WRONG!!! by friendship12396 13 years ago

I think your bracelets had holes in them because you werent using the right strings on the knots...I suggest printing out the pattern if you have a printer and checking off your rows and knots as you go so you dont loose track of the pattern

RE: I AM TOTALLY DOING THIS WRONG!!! by BabyILikeIt 13 years ago

practice makes perfect hunny! when i started doing the chevron i made holes all the time. then i realized i was tying the wrong knots! make sure you understand the arrows on the little circles! under each pattern there is a knot guide with 4 types of knots make sure you kno which ones ur supposed to tie and practice them on string u dnt care about!!

RE: I AM TOTALLY DOING THIS WRONG!!! by BeyondBracelets 13 years ago

On my Youtube page I've noticed LOTS of people having problems with gaps and holes... someone sent a picture to me of their issue and so I've been searching for related posts on "holes" forming in bracelets (since I was going to upload a tutorial on how to fix them) and I noticed a BUNCH of people with the problem so I made a video... Since I saw a lot of posts on this site I decided to pass the link on so if you see this more than once I'm not intentionally spamming, just trying to help as many people as I can. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVKBIE9uMnk


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