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Selling bracelets? by Cake 13 years ago

My neighborhood garage sale is coming up soon and I wanted to make friendship bracelets to sell. The only bracelet I would be able to make a lot of in a short amount of time would be the double chain knot bracelet. Is this worth selling? How much should I sell them for?

RE: Selling bracelets? by sammy197 13 years ago

I think that any bracelet is worth selling. You could probably sell a whole bunch of double chain knot bracelets for like 25 cents a piece. (or something like that) I bet that lots of people would want to buy some. Hope I helped(:

RE: Selling bracelets? by IzzyJane 13 years ago

I totaly agree, I am in the same situation.

My best friend and I have decided to sell a bunch around town to try and make a little profit. We are both pretty good, and we are going to chill at his place, watch movies and produce mass amounts of bracelets. I am curious as to how I should price them, because we are making so many different types. What should I put for prices?

Thanks. :)

RE: Selling bracelets? by hollymae322 13 years ago

You should try to make some key chains. I made a key chain with pattern A2296.
And i'm already making another one to sell hopefully.

RE: Selling bracelets? by Weenie 13 years ago

You could make the wave bracelet, they only take maybe an hour, I made a tutorial on how to make them, take a look, they are really easy =)

RE: Selling bracelets? by lollies 12 years ago

@IzzyJane I know this is probably way to late to reply to this but I think for like double chain knots and Chinese staircases like 50 cents. For the candy stripe 80 cents. For the chevron 80 cents as well because they can take a long time to make sometimes. The wave should be about $2.00 because they are like the ones that you find at markets and all those cool places. For bracelets with under 5 strings I reckon about 30 cents but you may want more for them then you do for the candy stripe because I know I would. For bracelets with over 6 but under 12 I reckon about $2.00. For bracelets with more strings then that I would probably sell for $5.00 because they take for ages to make sometimes. But for a bracelet with like 100 and like 80 strings and all that I reckon you should charge like $10.00 or $20.00 because they can be challenging sometimes. I know this is probably to late because you wrote that one year ago but I guess if anyone else needed help this could be helpful:).........maybe-lol. <3 lollies

RE: Selling bracelets? by kermit 11 years ago

Haha i think i under price sometimes cuz i run a store with my bestie and ours are WAY cheaper than tht... Like our highest is a dollar


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