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Doubling patterns by Ally_G 13 years ago

I am making a purse, but need to double a pattern (#3994). I just don't know how. Any tips or tricks are appreciated!!

RE: Doubling patterns by jenniferose 13 years ago

i would also like to know!

RE: Doubling patterns by Kassy 13 years ago

The easiest way would be to make several patterns like this and then sew them all together. But for the pattern #3994 you could easily just add more string. If you look closer at the pattern you can divide it into 4 chevrons consisting of "green, blue, blue, yellow, yellow, blue, blue, green". So to make it into 5 chevrons you just add 8 more strings(16 for 6 chevrons, 24 for 7 and so on). You lay them up like I described next to the existing pattern and instead of "leaving the string out" at the end you tie a forward or backward knot. Blue should be knotted over blue, green over green so it doesn't matter which way you knot it really.

What you can do is to right click your mouse over the pattern, and save the image to your computer. Then open this in paint(which most pc's with windows have). You then drag the edges of the background to be as big as you want it. Then you use the markortool(the top right one in my paint), and mark one of the "chevrons", use "ctrl+c to copy it and then use ctrl+v to glue it in, then move the newly added part to the edge of the existing pattern.
Dunno if this made any sense, but give it a try.


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