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The Alpha Patterns by eclipse 14 years ago

So i dont totally understand how u make an Alpha pattern. Like for pattern A476 it says thread is 77 but i dont understand where they get that number from? for that pattern would i just take one extremely long black string and about 18 orange and tie a black knot where the black is and when its orange i take the orange and tie it over the black string?

RE: The Alpha Patterns by Antipathy 14 years ago

the pattern is 18x77. it depends which way you flip it to look at it.
you're correct. you'd use 18 orange and one long black.
when i do alphas i use the 25m embroidery floss (i buy it from michaels) for the long one.
and yes you're correct again. knot with the black where the black is and knot with the orange onto the black string where it's orange. just remember if you're doing forward knots with the black, you'll need to tie backward knots onto the black with the orange when you need orange showing. and if you're doing backward knots with the black, you'll need to tie forward knots onto the black with the orange when you want orange showing.

there's also a video in tutorials of how to tie alpha patterns if my instructions suck lol.

RE: The Alpha Patterns by Antipathy 14 years ago

if you have any leftover pieces of string, i suggest just giving it a try.

i was confused the first time i did an alpha pattern, until i tried it. once you start doing it and see how it works, it'll make more sense.

RE: The Alpha Patterns by Gracie04 14 years ago

what she said

RE: The Alpha Patterns by eclipse 14 years ago

thanks so much this was a lot of help!


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