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Help! by clairezstansky 14 years ago

Hey guys, I've only recently started trying to make bracelets with patterns, and I have NO idea how to read them.

Do I read them like a row at a time or a string at a time? I have nooo stinkin' clue haha.


RE: Help! by moushtie 14 years ago

On complicated patterns you tend to need to read them a row at a time. On more line-based patterns, like zigzags or diamonds, you can read them a string at a time, or whatever seems most logical for that pattern.

RE: Help! by Terrbali 14 years ago

If you look towards the bottom you will see the chart. it has what means forward Knots, Backwards Knots and the reverse knots. I usually go a row at a time. Remember to read it from the top. So you look at the colors of the strings and tie it in whatever type of knot it needs you to do. Hope this helps!!!

RE: Help! by Terrbali 14 years ago

You should probably start with 6-8 stirngs or mabye even 4

RE: Help! by AmandaWasHere 14 years ago

Read one row at a time. Take the first two strings and do that knot, then put them to the side. Then take the next two strings and do the same. Every other row the strand all the way on the left and all the way on the right will not be used.


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