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starting thick alpha paterns by elias9 12 years ago

Its such a drag to start an alpha pattern that's pretty thick.
I usually just divide the strings in half and tie two loops on each half.
But are there other ways to start them?

I hate having to pull the strings that wrap around your wrist so it's not all crooked and floppy.
It's really time consuming for me. :T

RE: starting thick alpha paterns by elias9 12 years ago


oops. ha

RE: starting thick alpha paterns by TweedleDee 11 years ago

I put double sided tape on my clip-board and lay the strings onto it, in their proper order. Then I put on the clamp (instead of using a real clip-board, I use a flat board and a sort of clamp, which is in my opinion better for making bracelets) and knot five to ten rows. Then I deal with the ties for the bracelet, and after I'm done, resume knotting. This works well for large normal patterns too (or really any bracelet).


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