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Calling all Australian Bracelet makers(: by Mrs_Mamalis 12 years ago

I am moving to Australia (to be specific 2 hours from Brisbane) in 3 weeks and I was wondering what are the best places to go for string?

and are they DMC, J&P Coat or Anchor?

RE: Calling all Australian Bracelet makers(: by Kashizzle 11 years ago

Hi! I just joined and was wondering if there were many other Australians on here~
I live in Melbourne, which is at the other end of the continent but still! You're going to love it up there, just be careful because the north can be quite hot and humid!

In answer to your question, we have lots of stores to buy thread at! Spotlight is the best choice, they're an arts/crafts/home furnishing megastore. I believe they sell multiple brands, and I know they have DMC for certain (unsure about the others)
Another store is Lincraft. They're usually a tad pricier than Spotlight but when it comes to embroidery floss, it's not too much.
I also believe Riot art and craft sell them, but they'd be overpriced if they do.

I hope this helps!


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