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Ways to tie/end a bracelet by emblegirl 12 years ago

I cannot seem to come up with a way to attach a button, or make a loop on the end of a bracelet so you can take it off and put it on easily. Can anybody give me ideas and steps on how to make a fasten on the end of a bracelet? Thanks!

RE: Ways to tie/end a bracelet by samiam2714 12 years ago

there is a tutorial for a an adjustable bracelet. you make tails on the ends of the bracelet and cross the two over each other and do a Solomon bar (some call it a chinese staircase)at the cross it hold the two together and they can slip apart so you can take it off.

RE: Ways to tie/end a bracelet by lorie 12 years ago

Check this out: https://www.friendship-bracelets.net/tutorial.php?id=2009

Good luck ! :-)


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