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Bracelet And Thread length by darlinlily 12 years ago

How do you know how long a bracelet should be to fit your wrist.
For example I want to write "brandon" How do I know how many rows I have to make for it to fit around the wrist and have the name centered?

RE: Bracelet And Thread length by Foz 12 years ago

my bracelets are 13 - 14 cm (5 - 5.5 in) long, which is about 70 rows in an alpha pattern :-) just count how long the name itself will be (depending on the font you're using) and add however many rows you need before and after.

RE: Bracelet And Thread length by darlinlily 12 years ago

THANK YOU OMG!!! You're a life save <3

RE: Bracelet And Thread length by Foz 12 years ago

no worries :-)

RE: Bracelet And Thread length by Plastic_Toast 12 years ago

For a four letter name, I did 20 rows before and after the name. :)


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