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RE: thread cuts my fingers HELP by TweedleDee 12 years ago

I often get cut in the second joint up on my pinkie finger. I find it helps to put a band-aid there, or some gauze or medical tape. Another thing to use is the tape used for finger-cots in science and electronics places. I don't know where to buy just a little of this, but I do know that U-Line packaging sells some.

RE: thread cuts my fingers HELP by MyLogInName 12 years ago

It sould like you're tying your knots too tightly. Perhaps you could loosen them a bit, or as previously mentioned, you could pull the string at a different angle.

RE: thread cuts my fingers HELP by chray815 12 years ago

i get the cuts right on the sides of my pointer fingers. and i have ried knotig diff and all i think i just got very sensative skin ontop of whatever else the string is doing. im going to give the nail clue a try cause the bandaids just aint cutting it they are hard the bend your fingers and th string gets caught and then after a while they are to bend loosen then slide off every time i pull a knot.


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