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thread cuts my fingers HELP by Lilly6919 12 years ago

i use embrordery floss for my string and i guess i pull it really tight because its starting to cut my fingers and tip on how to stop it from doing that?

RE: thread cuts my fingers HELP by ISolemnlySwear 12 years ago

The only thing I could think to say is to try and not pull it quite so tightly. I used to have this problem until I altered my knotting technique. Are the cuts happening on the very tips, like at your nail or on the second joint? Try to hold your string differently for a while at least until the cuts heal and then try to pull at less of an angle to avoid serious friction. Good luck!

RE: thread cuts my fingers HELP by greenirsh 12 years ago

i know that if ur useing the embrordery floss that is waxed hurts more if u switch to the kind that isnt waxed at all it hurts alot less....

RE: thread cuts my fingers HELP by Lilly6919 12 years ago

well no its cutting rite where i bend my fingers like at the top andd i dnt know what waxed embroidery floss is

RE: thread cuts my fingers HELP by Aiyanna 12 years ago

I use embroidery floss, and it kinda does the same thing to me.....try pulling the string at an angle to tighten it...like maybe up and out instead of just to the side. Or even try wrapping it around your finger when tightening, that way it get's leverage to tighten but does cut certain parts of your fingers:)

RE: thread cuts my fingers HELP by GypsyAngel 12 years ago

as odd as it sounds i place a small drop of nail glue like for press on nails right where ur getting cut i had the same problem it creates sort of a blocker and then peels off :)

RE: thread cuts my fingers HELP by fbmagic 12 years ago

Well if it isn't cutting you right on the tips, I would suggest maybe putting tape around your finger. Or a bandaid. Ha ha but they have their disadvantages too. Sometimes it's hard to bend your fingers if you do that. :)

RE: thread cuts my fingers HELP by Lilly6919 12 years ago

wrapping it around my fingers makes em rough >< and the tape was ripping and my mom gets mad wen we 'waste' band-aids xD

RE: thread cuts my fingers HELP by K8e92 12 years ago

or you can get some bandaids from the dollar store and use those to 1: heal the cuts and 2: protect from more

RE: thread cuts my fingers HELP by GypsyAngel 12 years ago

as I said use superglue u can get glue used for fake nails which has anitbacterial properties in it my aunt is a nurse and it was her suggestion it works for me lovely use it on the bends and when your done it peels off its used in hospitals as well good luck


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