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sring tooo short!!!! by seaskulls 12 years ago

im working on an alpha pattern and one of my strings got way too short how do i connect string to it without messing it up?

RE: sring tooo short!!!! by Kaila 12 years ago

Which string is to short? is it the one you use as the background or is it on of the other strings that you have multiple of?

RE: sring tooo short!!!! by Acid 12 years ago

There are many ways of doing this depending what string it is, when I run out of string which happens now and then I get a new thread and tie a knot in it at the end, then i thread it through a cross stitch/embroidery needle and push it through the back of the bracelet as close as I can and then carry on. It's best to do this in the middle of the bracelet rather than near the edge as it's less obvious.

If you have any spare of the one you've run short on, use the new thread and knot around that and the next string in turn, it hides it very well then providing you cut the short string carefully.

I hope this helps and makes some sense.

RE: sring tooo short!!!! by ElleMay 12 years ago

@acid, a video of that would be very appriciated! :)

RE: sring tooo short!!!! by TweedleDee 12 years ago

A good way to fix a too-short string is to match the color and tie a square knot (no grannies--they'll come out!) and put a dab of clear nail polish, craft or white glue, or any other strong invisible adhesive. The once it's dried, snip the ends as close and you can and resume knotting.


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