
was donated
Prices by sarahb416 13 years ago

I want to sell my bracelets this summer. How much should I charge?

RE: Prices by happybunny 13 years ago

I sell
$1 - easy ones
$3 - a little harder
$5 - Fantastic ones
$7 - 30-50 strings
$10 - 51+

RE: Prices by hanechan 12 years ago

If you really want it to be worth your time you will have to charge alot. I charge 75 cents per string since it takes me a whole day to make one. Compare that to minimun wage... yikes.

It just depends on what you feel your time is worth.

RE: Prices by happybunny 12 years ago

A whole day? For one? I can do 3 15 stringed bracelets in a day....with all the other stuff going on on my life. I can't do that now b/c im knotting that pencil case...

RE: Prices by Caitieboo 12 years ago

This is how I price:
$3.00 for the first 10 rows then $0.25 for each additional row.
after that i charge $0.25 for each color.

RE: Prices by Roseit 12 years ago

@Caitieboo--woah. that;s kinda expensive!! I do like 100 rows on my bracelets!!

RE: Prices by Caitieboo 12 years ago

sorry i didnt make that very clear i meant like the number of strings... sorry i should have made that clearer. Oh, and i dont sell bracelets for more than 30 strings

RE: Prices by hanechan 12 years ago

Haha... wow thats amazing fast, Happy Bunny. I have to be careful about how much I spend knotting each day. I play two instruments which also stresses my wrists, so I have to watch how much I use them. :)

RE: Prices by happybunny 12 years ago

@ hanechan: Yup... I play 2 insterments too everyday. Piano, My fingers get lop-sided when I play so I end up squishing it against the keys. Violin: pizzacato and holding the bow...ow.... I usually play furious songs so the my left hand ends up getting marks :P for holding the strings.
I also bike and the handles have words sticking out so then I ended up getting blisters. So I usually have to wear bandages because I get a common knotters' injury along with the other things I do everyday.... :). Srry f my grammer's bad. Its summer and Im lazy.......

RE: Prices by Huntress 12 years ago

Wow!! You two play more than I do. I play Clarinet and Piccolo. Not often like when I was in high school but enough to keep my ears in check. :)

For my pricing I usually go $5 for small bracelets like 6 to 12 strings and $10 for 24 strings on up.


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