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Thread "fraying" in the middle...? by MeLikesUke 12 years ago

I have a tendency to pull very hard on the string I'm knotting on, not with (the one making the straight line of the "4"), in order to keep the string taught and the knot tightening easily. I realize that this makes the strings stretch out and begin to unravel, but if I'm making a regular bracelet this doesn't cause a problem as the strings hold out for a certain amount of time. However, I'm making a larger project right now; one string broke already and I was able to tie it back on; there is one string I am keeping an eye on that is beginning to almost fray from the middle and I'm worried it will break... the individual strands within the thread unwound around one point, and one or two of them broke.

Should I try to continue working very carefully with this thread, cut it at a point and attach a new string, or is there something else I can do to remedy it? Perhaps roll wax or glue on the string to kind of re-attach the broken (but still wound in below the break) strands?

I know I have to change the tension I put on the threads, but I need a fix for now, or else I might just have to abandon this project and start again.

RE: Thread by ashley94 12 years ago

i have this same problem. I tried glue and that does not work just makes things sticky and messy (or at least it did for me) what i would do would be just keep going but be carful when you get to the weak ones. if it breaks try to put it back in like you would when u add a color in a multi color alpha. if that makes any sense i hope that helps


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