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My String Broke!! by kristi640 13 years ago

Hey y'all!!!
I'm working on a bracelet, half way done, and my string (I'm using craft thread) broke!! It's too small to attempt to retie (actually, I tried to anyways).
How would you attatch more string onto the end of the broken strand???

RE: My String Broke!! by allikinz 12 years ago

if you are doing an alpha pattern try tying more string to the next thread, but if it is a normal patter i dont know how to help

RE: My String Broke!! by LittleMissMetal 12 years ago

If it is an alpha, try one of the methods for adding a color in, like they use for multi-color alphas. You might be able to do something like that if its a normal pattern, I never tried it for a normal, so I wouldn't know if it works or not. If you can't find a fix you could use it as a keychain instead of a bracelet. :)

RE: My String Broke!! by TweedleDee 12 years ago

That happened to me, too. It was a bit tricky, but I managed to put a bit of clear nail polish where it broke and cut it as short as possible to avoid future fuzziness. Then I threaded an embroidery needle with the floss, put it through a previous knot, tied it in, and then put clear nail polish on that knot, and snipped it for the same reason as before. It's really a bummer when the strings break, isn't it?

RE: My String Broke!! by hanechan 12 years ago

If all else fails, ties it around the string it was next to in the pattern, then hide the knot in the back. I'm sorry you are putting up with this; it's one of the most annoying things that can happen while tying!


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