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RE: Bracelet swapping? by Arismende 7 years ago

In my opinion, it's too complicated to use paypal etc., or at least, I wouldn't want to be in charge of a swap based on paypal-payings. It's always best to send the bracelets as a normal letter in an average envelope, where you can put the bracelets between two cards to stabilize the whole thing. Most of the bracelets, which got lost in the swaps I hosted, were more expensive sendings with tracking numbers etc. Those seem to have a "longer" way because of postal controls etc., so it usually takes longer for them to arrive. If you miss such a sending, they don't put it in your mailbox, but you have to go to the post office each time, which is impossible, when you have more than 20 participants. I think for the costs, it would be best, when some of the european participants (who in general make a half or more of all participants in international swaps) would just put one or two euros in the envelope instead of stamps, in case those are not available.

RE: Bracelet swapping? by Allison98 7 years ago

Can you just put some euros in the envelope?

RE: Bracelet swapping? by kleinevos (moderator) 7 years ago

I think what Arismende said is indeed the most simple way of swapping/mailing bracelets.
Coins have arrived here without problems, although it's actually not allowed to send money like that. It's not a big amount though, so we will not really get into trouble if we include a few euros in our envelopes.
I'm personally also fine with using PayPal.
And I think we should keep it voluntary. That worked fine in the past :-) I think every moderator that hosts a swap knows it'll cost a few bucks....

RE: Bracelet swapping? by Cherry89 7 years ago

OK, that is good to know that I will be able to send an average postage from here in the States to another country

RE: Bracelet swapping? by buddleia 7 years ago

If paypal is an option during the next swap, I will definitely contribute one or two euros. :)

RE: Bracelet swapping? by Cherry89 7 years ago

I agree, if I'm able to i will contribute a few Euros :)

RE: Bracelet swapping? by amineko72 7 years ago

I would like to participate to a bracelet swap even if I am a beginner


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