
was donated
RE: International Swap! by kleinevos (moderator) 9 years ago

I'm sorry to say that my swap is already finished and I still don't know if Kestrel is able to send me his swap-bracelets.
I still like to finish this swap for him though.

RE: International Swap! by FriendlyStache 9 years ago

Any updates?

RE: International Swap! by kleinevos (moderator) 9 years ago

Nope ......

RE: International Swap! by elizabeth_s 9 years ago

If this is a money issue, would it help if he sent the bracelets to someone in England, who could then send them out to Kleinevos or Arismende who have offered to do the swap for him already?

It could certainly be done cheaply within his own country if he chose the cheapest type of postage parcel at the the post office.

The further thought occurs, I live in England and I would be happy to receive a parcel and then send it on.

This seems to be dragging on and on and everyone is anxious to resolve it. I'd love for my swap bracelets to get to somebody and I'm sure everyone else does too. I'd like to help Kestrel out, I'd like him to know that there are ways around any problem if he asks for help.

RE: International Swap! by kleinevos (moderator) 9 years ago

I've spoken to Kestrel and he's still very sorry about everything that happened around this swap. But ... his health is still not very good, there's not much changed. He'll see what he can do, without guarantees for now. The only guarantee is that he really wants to mail the bracelets out as soon as he can.

RE: International Swap! by athenamaximum 9 years ago

Look, I understand Kestrel has been having health problems. I feel bad for him. I really do. But my point is, is that this swap was announced almost a year ago. Everyone in this swap put a lot of work into our bracelets, and I know at least I would like something to show for it. Again, not trying to be rude. I'm just trying to make a point. Thanks.

RE: International Swap! by Kestrel 9 years ago

And I still have every single bracelet. Still in an envelope from the last time I had to move in a hurry, with zero spare cash to be able to get them sent off.

And *I* want to get them sent off. I feel guilty as anything that I still have them, but short of a miracle (or winning the lottery, which is basically the same thing) - I'm stuck. :/ yes, that's the short version of the story. I'm not going into the long version.

RE: International Swap! by elizabeth_s 9 years ago

If I sent you some cash in the post, could it get done?


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