
was donated
RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by Acid 12 years ago

See I thought about that but equally I've desperately tried not going down this path with my pics. I really don't wanna do it now :(

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by RockePloeger 12 years ago

Well you can't fully see the bracelet if you do that and it really does take away from the fun of the site.

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by karxalc 12 years ago

ugh that reminds me to the braceletbook facebook page...I'm pretty sure the bracelet they use in their profile pic it's from an etsy seller -.-...

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by Acid 12 years ago

I agree I know some people do it anyway and that's fine but I kinda like the quick snap on my DS

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by Charmed_1 12 years ago

Even though I have choosen to, I put my name (username) along side my photos. I don't put on the bracelet itself, but next to it. It's one thing to want to put your name on a photo, but something different when it becomes an almost must because of photo stealers.
@Acid, has anyone tryed stealing you photo's?...that's just annoyingly wrong! And to think the nerve of some people. (**shaking head in disgusted!**)

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by Acid 12 years ago

It's happened in the past but not on here, I had a company on facebook tag my photo's saying they sold those bracelets. Na, I'm angry because a user on here has used images on her shop and tried to say she sold these. I also want to make it clear I'm not talking about the user who used a photo from another site and not realised (not naming names) The user in question has used images from 4 of our memebers at least on her page.

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by usr40717 12 years ago

I know which page you're talking about! And some Etsy sellers also steal pictures. Pretty shallow in my opinion. I'd like to know exactly what I'm buying, I don't want to waste my money on a bad quality bracelet, and when they post fake pictures, that's what it makes me think.

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by karxalc 12 years ago

Etsy sellers? do you mean there's more than one user doing this? :/, I only knew about one and the shop it's closed now...oh and other think that bothers me...etsy it's suppose to be 'handmade by you' and there are like 2 or 3 shops that sell friendship bracelets they didn't make, more likely bought from Peru or Colombia...

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by Charmed_1 12 years ago

Wow!...how pathetic and thick can people get? I guess I'll keep putting my name/username on my work then. I have a paper with my name info. on it and thats what I've been using for the challenge bracelets. I also have a watermark program too, I haven't used it yet, maybe now I will. I know it take time away from you, but we (the users that play by the rules) greatly apperiate the work and time it takes to get to the bottem of issue's such as this. Try not to pull out too much of your hair, we like your hair. LOL. :)

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by usr40717 12 years ago



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