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RE: Can I hire someone to make bracelets? by Kamyk 10 years ago

@SuesSuggies - Your intentions are pretty clear when you said (I dare to quote):
I'd only be able to pay like $2 a bracelet, otherwise I couldn't make anything.
You want to make a business on somebody else hard work and you're willing to pay ridiculously low price for many hours of knotting.
Maybe you could find some naive child here who could be willing to do that for you but it's WRONG. You just want to USE SOMEONE ELSE TO GAIN PROFIT FOR YOURSELF.

Moderators here, as well as other users, are here to protect those children and prevent using them.

If your offer was right there would be no problem. But it's offensive and harmful.

RE: Can I hire someone to make bracelets? by SuesSuggies 10 years ago

I'm not even going to bother with it now, these people are too stuck up to care and I've been bashed enough.

RE: Can I hire someone to make bracelets? by SuesSuggies 10 years ago

Yes I see, you're so "close knit" that anyone new that asks a question gets bashed to smitherines. I didn't say anything offensive or rude, yet all I get are nasty replies. Sounds like you have a great group here...I am quite appalled that any new person gets treated this way regardless of what they ask. It really shows the true colors of the group.

RE: Can I hire someone to make bracelets? by SuesSuggies 10 years ago

Please tell me how asking if anyone is interested is bullying them into making bracelets for me. Lol because I am definitely not bullying, I am actually more being bullied by you all if anything.
Ever heard of wholesale pricing? My business has nothing to to with these bracelets, I just thought they'd be a cute novelty item. I'm definitely not bullying or forcing anyone to do anything, I just asked if anyone would be interested. I did nothing to deserve the amount of hate that you guys are giving me. If anyone here is the bully, it's you all, not me.

RE: Can I hire someone to make bracelets? by ankelens 10 years ago

I just went through the entire convo and you're not being bashed. We were just trying to make a point, which you clearly still haven't got to understand. We do have a great, even an AMAZING group as I might say and of course we look out for each other. You're judging us without any experience to build upon too, you know? New members are more than welcome, yet they still have to live up to our TOU. Not 'every new member gets treated this way'. We're just trying to make you understand things, it's up to you whether you put effort into doing so or not. We're not stuck up, we're standing op for something we care about, substantiating it with proper arguments and of course we're criticizing your way of thinking. That's not bashing at all, especially not since I haven't seen any 'rude' comments at all. Your way of thinking was/is wrong and that's we've trying to improve all along. Why on earth would you pay someone so little for such a big work? Only buying the stuff you need to make an alpha pattern, would cost >US< more. Not to forget the amount of time you spend on that shizzle. Just reconsider your words and go through the comments again before pretending to be the victim of something that wasn't a crime in the first place, please.

RE: Can I hire someone to make bracelets? by Firewing 10 years ago

If you're going to be selling these bracelets as 'a cute novelty item' and are only willing to pay 2$ a bracelet at wholesale, you'd need to buy a lot of hundreds, if not thousands of bracelets in order for that to be profitable. Sure, you'll see similar bracelets at street fairs and such, but those vendors do buy at wholesale and probably from China or other country where the wage is ridiculously low.

If you truly wish to buy wholesale, why didn't you search the links page? There are plenty of stores listed there where you could have contacted knotters that sell their bracelets? Heck, you could have done a search on Etsy, there are tons of sellers of friendship bracelets there that will do wholesale. Did you think their prices were too high perhaps? That's fair market price. These people have a business as well and also need to make money.

Maybe I should break it down even further? Let's make an example of an alpha bracelet that will only have two colors, is 10 strings wide and will be 200 rows once completed. On materials, you'll need at least 3 skeins of floss @ .39 cents each, plus another dollar for the ribbon clamp, lobster clasp and jump rings. Next, counting in the time it will take to knot the bracelet; let's say 2 hours. Federal minimum wage is 8/hr which would make that another 16$. Other knotters, feel free to correct me if something isn't plausible(the amount of materials, etc.)

Add all that up: 2.17 + 2x8 = 18.17$. That's just to cost of manufacturing, as a business owner, you know that profit and overhead costs still need to be factored in order to find what the wholesale price should be. In order to lower the manufacturing costs of the bracelet, you'd need to buy the supplies in very large bulk and produce large quantity lots. If there were time constraints, you wouldn't be able to do it all alone. Sure, that sounds expensive, but you mentioned that you wanted a US based knotter, and that's the formula that they should be using if they want price their products fairly and according to market.

RE: Can I hire someone to make bracelets? by SuesSuggies 10 years ago

I am not pretending to be a victim at all. All I've recieved are negative posts about what I asked. I asked here because there are a lot of people that like knotting and I want a specific pattern, not a random one.
So yes I am being bashed and you are being rude. All you had to say was that you didn't think my price was fair, but no I'm being told that I'm bullying people and using them, which was far from what I asked. I just asked if someone might be interested and all I've gotten is hate in return, even someone else said that your comments should be nicer, so when I'm getting attacked of course I'm going to retaliate and I will judge you based on what you're saying to me, I didn't make anyone say anything mean, you did that all yourselves.

RE: Can I hire someone to make bracelets? by TheMathLady 10 years ago

I found the reactions to be more incredulous than rude. It could certainly be misunderstood as rude, especially if you didn't fully understand how wrong it is to ask for such a low amount. If it were an easy bracelet (for example, a two string "Chinese Staircase") that could be made in ten minutes, then that would be another matter; but you asked for something that could potentially take from 2 to 4 hours or even more, depending on the kind of Alpha.

But you did understand that it was a very low offer, as thematt711 pointed out, and you even mention that you don't expect anyone to be willing. The entire tone is that of: "Maybe I'll get lucky and someone will work for me for next to nothing." And because this site is has a lot of young children, it comes across as you wanting to take advantage of them, or anyone for that matter.

We may come across as rude, intentionally or not, but mostly, we are angry

RE: Can I hire someone to make bracelets? by SuesSuggies 10 years ago

Well whatever you are, there's no reason to talk to me the way any of you did. You guys act like I'm hiring for a full time job or something, I was just looking for someone to make some bracelets for me and get a little cash in return, you guys blew it way out of proportion, acting like I'm trying to run a slave labor ring or something. My goodness.

RE: Can I hire someone to make bracelets? by iheartmrbump 10 years ago

Suessuggies I just wanted to say that I agree they are being a bit harsh, especially the comment about going to hell. Guys she is obviously unaware of the time it takes to make these bracelets we do not need to keep bashing her about this. We were all new to making bracelets at one point and we all had to learn to get to where we are now. She is not asking anyone to go work for her like they're in a sweat shop. Yes I agree I would never make a bracelet for two dollars but as someone said at the beginning, a simple no would have been just as sufficient. Now let's all just move on and be nice rabbits(:


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