
was donated
RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by Lovemenot 13 years ago

Please remember to read at least the first post before commenting on a thread...

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by amber29 13 years ago

Hiya. The new alpha generator is fabulous! I've just done my first alpha pattern and it was so straight forward and easy to use. Thanks Stefan for all the hard work you're putting in :)

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by Lots_o_knots 13 years ago

Stephan, can you make a way to fill in all of the cubes?

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by Sareana 13 years ago

i believe a fill bucket is planned , just not implemented yet.

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by craftygurl 13 years ago

This is the absolute best generator yet! all the other ones are to complicated the only prob with this one is they wont get published for some reason!? :D

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by Sareana 13 years ago

i think the problem my be from the browser your using all of my patterns made on the new alpha generator have been published, I'm using Mozilla Firefox, Internet explorer sucks and has been giving the generator a lot of problems.

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by Lovemenot 13 years ago

After you submit a pattern it takes at very least 24 hours before it is viewable by the public.

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by superc 13 years ago

I have 1 question, how do you add more strings or rows?

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by Stefan (moderator) 13 years ago

Fill mode is implemented and uploaded!
I linked to it from the "Generate" page now. Hopefully it will work for everyone.

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by Stefan (moderator) 13 years ago

@superc: Click "Col +" and "Row +", respectively.


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