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(( How To... )) Use Bobby Pins when Dealing with Long Strands and when Extending or Repairing Strings

Table of contents
1 - Intro
   1.0 -
The Bobby Pin Bobbin
   1.1 -
Adding in Strings
1 -


Recently, I was making an alpha bracelet and I had a few problems, a) this bracelet required a lot of string required and I didn't have a bobbin and b) I was trying to add a sting with clear nail polish and it kept coming off. So I looked around my room and the first thing that I saw that I could use was a bobby pin. Here are two ways that I thought of but if you can think of more feel free to put them into this tutorial.

The Bobby Pin Bobbin

First of all, look at your bobby pin:

You'll see that there is an opening at the top that you could put your string through. That's the first step of the bobbin. Put your string like this:

The next step is just wrap.

Keep on wrapping until you have about thirty cm (about 12 inches)left of string. Like this:

The next step is to lock the string in by slipping it through that opening again.

And pull it right down so it looks like it's coming from the centre of the bobbin.
If that thirty cm you left out of the bobbin is running low just grab the bit of string that's left out of the bobbin, line it up so that it looks like this

Then grab the bottom of the bobby pin with one hand and the top with the other then pull the piece of string. It should come out. Then all you have to do is unwind however much string you want and then lock the string in again.

This bobby pin bobbin is great when you have either lots of different strings in an alpha or just really long strings in an alpha.

Adding in Strings

When I add in strings to alphas, I glue the string to the back using clear nail polish and then knot it into the bracelet (probably the wrong way :0), but because I am impatient they always end up falling out. So what I do now is:
Stick it on using this top coat:
Probably a waste but oh well
Then I slip a bobby pin over the top so that it catches the tails:

I usually keep it like that for 2-3 rows after I have put it in (1 because it will have dried by then and 2 coz the string will be nice and secure in the bracelet.)
When you have put the bobby pin in you still can't pull really hard otherwise the string will come out and you'll have a massive tizzy like I did


Anyway, I really hope that you liked this tutorial and that you actually could understand it. Again, if you know what your doing and want to edit this or if you want to add another use for for bobby pins in bracelets, feel free to but please don't take out any of the existing content without asking first. Please please please like and also comment on it and if you have any concerns questions or constructive criticism please do contact me or leave it in the comments!


The original author of this tutorial is GreenBandage but it was also edited by .

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