Deciphering pattern
by Himanshu 13 days ago
I have a bracelet gifted by a dear friend many many years ago. Now i would like to create this pattern but am clueless about the process. Could someone kindly point me in the correct direction? Is it an existing pattern from this website? Here are the front and back images for reference.
Thank you.
RE : Deciphering pattern
by Himanshu 13 days ago
Here's an imgur link in case the previous one doesn't work:
RE : Deciphering pattern
by PetertheRoman 13 days ago
Hi Himanshu,
Welcome, from my humble side, to this site. The bracelet you bring forward for deciphering
has certainly been done from colour hues very carefully picked by your friend! Sufficient contrast even in every single one of the two lovely "colour groups" greenish and blueish/purple.
You will certainly be able to figure out the gist of the knotting sequence of this very popular pattern in an instant by looking up the respective turorial(s) that should exist. Even though the generator here doesn't seem to be supporting any vacancies or even longer gaps in patterns - as created by the FLOATING THREADS
so prominent in the make-up of the bracelet you're planning to give a go, of all patterns.
I seem to have forgotten what people are calling this particular type of friendship bracelet but I did see it
being sold by bracelet makers from Ecuador here in the late Nineties. It sold pretty well at the time, especially with two colour groups of even more pronounced contrast. Passersby especially liked it when it came with some red.
I can already "see" the colour sequence you need! Just give me some time, will you, since I'm a little handicapped here. Might just be able to give you some colour numbers from my lately acquired stash
of Stranded Mouliné along with the correct order of just how you should mount all of your different coloured threads.
Or better still, I will give it a try myself to see if everything works out the way intended.
If you're in a hurry, many users here will be glad to help you much quicker. However, let me say that it's good having you here with this interesting first forum thread of yours and this obvious preference of a peacock-like colour gamut - also shared by another (current?) user.
Have I already stressed that the pattern in question is one of my absolute favourites, too?
AND it even saves you so much time and even diligence during tying as you're allowed to "leave out"
ever so many knots with impunity.
Would you rather be starting with the "greener" or the "bluer" variety of clapboard like colour section?
Probably will try both starting sequences, greetings.
RE : Deciphering pattern
by PetertheRoman 13 days ago
I will only relate to your upper picture as this one shows the upper "correct" side of the bracelet with all individually identifiable double knots or hitches, as you will see them while tying in the usual approved method. You can do the very simplest of "double half hitches"? (or "itches", as sailors like to pronounce them sometimes)?,(this is to say: a double half hitch to the right
or: a double half hitch, i.e.Weblein(en) Stek in German, to the left, where applicable?) Then, with a little practice, you can tie a perfect replica of your friend's bracelet in a matter of a few minutes, no big deal.
"We" will be starting everything from the left hand side of your upper photograph, working to the right hand side (so you had best tilt this picture by 90 degrees).
More instructions hopefully to follow later that day (if not already completely obvious and redundant). I mean, everybody able to do that double halfhitch either to the right or to the left can also strategically sometimes tie NO knot at all in a pattern and leave everything as is, can they...
The pattern is really only a question of counting (and most of the time reducing the number of) all your pretty doublehalfhitches one by one at a time, arranged in a gabled way to either side. So you basically keep doing 45 degree sequences of doublehalfhitching down to either side and sometimes just leaving threads stand (or hang) the way they are
(while perhaps giving them just that tiny little counterspin once they come into action again so they don't show up as partially unravelled threads as happens with some yarns).
So much for the tying part. If you don't achieve your single coloured gabled rows of knots going down at an angle of 45 degree right away, use your fingernails on the finished knots and coax them down into position before you start working with your next two same coloured threads, beginning from the middle. (It doesn't matter which way the central knot goes, you just have to make a firm decision to either produce a knot going to the right or to the left as this one will only make your pattern grow together, stabilizing it, so don't pull too hard, especially when it comes to the central knot.
Colourwise, this cunning pattern is a matter of coloured strings that will avail and present themselves in mirrored coloured fashion all by themselves after one round, thus ready in place for producing a second, different coloured "shingle section" and always alternating until you run out of thread. The string colour arrangement to best begin with, I will tell you later in detail.
RE : Deciphering pattern
by PetertheRoman 13 days ago
But you might guess already. It's simply one descending colour after another, in axially symmetrically mirrored arrangement, beginning from the middle.
RE : Deciphering pattern
by halokiwi 13 days ago
I did not read the whole reply, so I might be repeating something that has already been said, but here is a video:
In the video this type of bracelet is called leaves bracelet.
RE : Deciphering pattern
by Himanshu 13 days ago
Thank you @PetertheRoman and @halokiwi!!
I am an outsider to this art and just joined the website. It is so encouraging to see your responses and the fact you took time to explain in such detail is heartening. The video will definitely help! I will attempt it in the coming week. Fingers crossed!
Again, thank you for indulging my query. :)
RE : Deciphering pattern
by PetertheRoman 13 days ago
My pleasure. If the Leaves Bracelet can wait till next week, you might want to practice
your perfect Double Right Knots
and your Double Left Knots also
on an even easier bracelet. I just don't seem to find one with the chevrons pointing in the exact direction you would ideally be looking for that particular peacock eyed type of bracelet during tying process,
i.e. starting tying your gables from above, in a downward pointing direction like as if beginning from the centre of a rooftop downward, one slanting 45 degree side at a time. I have decided not to watch the video tutorial yet so you'd also have my unbiased independent explanation, which is of course far from authoritative.
Pattern #7124 (or #2)
both appear to be charted "upside down" with respect to what you would want to practice in particular
but will give you a good hunch.
RE : Deciphering pattern
by PetertheRoman 12 days ago
I haven't watched the video tutorial, at least not recently, never knowing if they show everything upside down again. So here is my relatively unbiased words-only explanation, in an effort to give you a "second opinion"
at hand without creating too much extra confusion.
As for yarn skeins possibly closest resembling your friend's bracelet, I used that Stranded
Mouliné variety sporting an anchor.
Numbers as follows:
# 00096 is "Cyclamen";
00110 for "Purple";
00132 is "Dark Blue";
00185 = "Pastel Green" with me;
00228 = "Dark Green";
then there's that Neon "Lime Green"(?);
00410 shall be known as "Blue"
and 00433 = "Light Blue".
(If in doubt, go for the darker shade.)
I can only tell you how I myself went about treating that bracelet.
So I first unravelled everything on a door handle. I then cut each string into 4 equal pieces of 2 metres each. In order to one day be able to figure out just how many "leaves" I could probably accommodate in whatever length. (Better not to work with threads quite that long though at the beginning.)
RE : Deciphering pattern
by PetertheRoman 12 days ago
So it's a 16 string pattern.
You want to arrange all your colours mirror image, maybe on a strip of flexible tape glued to the table or on a clipboard, leaving a hand's length above for binding the bracelet when it is finished. An overhand knot prevents any thread from being pulled out of their taped sealing position during tying.
String arrangement:
The two "Dark Blue" threads go side by side to form the central axis.
Next to them you want to place the two strings "Blue", at either side of the axis.
Same for the "Light Blues", one left, one right.
Next adjacent colour to the left and to the right: your two "Purple" strings,
followed by "Cyclamen",
then "Dark Green",
"Pastel Green"
and a "Lime Green" each at the outskirts completes your colour arrangement.
From left to right (and right to left) again:
Lime Green, Pastel Green, Dark Green, Cyclamen, Purple, Light Blue, "Blue", Dark Blue // Dark Blue, "Blue",
Light Blue, Purple, Cyclamen, Dark Green, Pastel Green, Lime Green.
You begin with a central "Dark Blue" knot, meaning the two "Dark Blues" are to be joined by a double hitch. Whether to the right (as a Right-Right Knot) or to the left (as a Left-Left Knot) is up to you as this one defines the centre line of the bracelet and as such doesn't have a tendency towards either side.
(To be continued.)
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